Digital Armenian
Digital Humanities, Innovations and New technologies
3-5 octobre 2019
INALCO, Paris (France)
This International Conference is co-organized by Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Structure et Dynamique des Langues SeDyL-Inalco-CNRS-IRD, ERTIM-Inalco), the Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA, Paris), the Calfa Association (Paris), the French Society for Armenian Studies, with the support of the Laboratory of Excellence EFL (Paris).
« Digital Armenian » is for the numerous international actors (public research laboratories, private enterprises, public institutions, etc.) that develop and implement innovative digital solutions for teaching, promoting, studying the Armenian language and enable data transfer. The conference will be an opportunity to share experiences on ongoing projects in an interdisciplinary framework and using a comparative approach with similar researches conducted for other languages. It will be an opportunity to explore avenues for fostering interoperability and data sharing, in order to improve responses to the challenges facing the Armenian language in the digital age.
One and a half study days, open to the public, including half a day dedicated to an interactive workshop to discover existing digital tools. Half a day, closed to the public, reserved for the participants to discuss potential collaborations and data interoperability.
Abstracts and Deadlines:
Participants will have 20 minutes each to present their papers, plus 10 minutes for questions and discussion.
Applicants are invited to submit a title, short abstract (no more than 500 words), author(s)’s name(s), e-mail address(es), and affiliation(s), with a brief academic biography (no more than 150 words) by 15 June 2019. Please send your documents as .doc and .pdf files to:
Working languages:
French, English and Armenian
- Deadline for abstract submission: June 15, 2019
- Deadline for workshop submission: June 15, 2019
- Notification of acceptance : July 15, 2019
- Deadline for paper submission : September 1st, 2019
- Conference : October 3-5, 2019
The registration fee is 30 EUR.
Travel grants:
Limited grants are available to assist with travel and accommodation expenses: those who cannot obtain financial support from their home institution or other sources and would otherwise be unable to attend are invited to submit a short statement in support of their request along with their abstracts. The organizers reserve the right to make decisions on the matter at their sole discretion. Prospective participants are invited to explore other sources of funding as well.
- Chahan Vidal-Gorène (École Nationale des Chartes, Centre Jean Mabillon)
- Anaïd Donabédian (INALCO, SeDyL)
- Victoria Khurshudyan (INALCO, SeDyL)
- Mathieu Valette (INALCO, Ertim)